Thursday, January 29, 2015

Social Messages

See the presentation below for details, criteria and dues dates for your Social Messages project. 

Make a statement!

Sketchbooks Due: Wednesday, Feb. 3

40 Images: Uploaded by Monday, Feb. 9

Final: Edited by Thursday, Feb. 12

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Website Rubric

You will be graded on the following:


  1. About section - artist intent
  2. Portfolio of work - taken from individual assignments (your best 1-2 from each)
  3. Description of work. (1-2 sentences describing assignment, intention of photograph, etc)
    1. Work should be edited and complete. 
  4. Instagram series (at least 10 images)


  1. Summarize your intent
  2. Describe your website style 
  3. Navigate through your portfolio of work and Instagram
  4. Reflect on what you've learned this semester and what you hope to gain next semester. 
Your site needs to be shared with me. There's a document in the Google Drive, where you need to include the your name, email, website, etc. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Point of View

Below is the point-of-view presentation shared in class.  Be sure every picture you take for this assignment is from an unusual or unexpected viewpoint.  40 images are due Tuesday, Jan. 20 and final 2 are due Wednesday, Jan. 21.