Thursday, October 20, 2016

Social Issue

Social msg 2015 from Kara Wilson Smith

Visit for contest details. 

Monday, October 3, 2016

So, basically...

Make sure you have examples of the following:

1. Cropping
2. Balancing elements
3. Background (avoid clutter)
4. Avoid Mergers (just always do this!)
5. Perspective/viewpoint
6. Landscape vs. portrait (show examples of both, shoot something in landscape then flip the camera and shoot it vertically)
7. Framing within frames
8. Leading lines
9. Diagonals
10. Repetition and pattern
11. Symmetry

When finished shooting, upload to google drive and label each pic.

Save your top two in a Final Composition folder (twice). 

Composition techniques

Rule of Thirds