Wednesday, December 11, 2019

PLEASE VIEW and take notes

Open GIMP or Photoshop on your computers and follow along. Take notes in your sketchbooks and remember that Command is equivalent to Ctrl on a PC. Please use earbuds to listen to these tutorials. 

Period 2 - 

Gimp - photo editing

Period 4 - 

Take notes - 
1. INTERFACE - what is this? 
     a. How do you create a new document? 
     b. What are the steps to save? 
     c. Effects panel? 
3. Working with IMAGES
     a. open images
4. Working with TEXT 

We will go over specifics as a class, but this should get you started. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

TO DO - Wednesday, Nov. 27

Please complete any missing work first.

Artist statements should be complete and in the drive. 40 correct lighting images should be saved, and final 2 in the finals folder.

Then, check out this slideshow:

SKETCHBOOKS - Due Wednesday - Saved in Google Drive
40 images due 12/10
Final image - due 12/13

Social msg 2015 from Kara Wilson Smith

Visit for contest details.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Lighting Critique

Log into a computer and project 1 of your LIGHTING final images.

Objective: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. To analyze and interpret a piece of art.

1. Complete Rubric
2. TAG process
3. BIG critique


1. Start the process by writing the word “TAG” down the left side of a sticky note. Please, write your name on the back of the sticky notes.
2. Music will play as you walk around the room, viewing the landscape photos on the computers.
3. When the music stops, you will sit down at the closest artwork, being sure to not choose your own.
4. Complete the TAG on your post-it note, leave for the artist.
TAG is short for:
T – Tell the artist something you like.
A – Ask the artist a question.
G – Give the artist a suggestion.

The BIG critique -
We will come back together as a whole. You will share about one work that resonated with you around the room. If your photograph is chosen, you will speak next.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Landscape critique

Log into a computer and project 1 of your landscape final images.

Objective: To analyze and interpret a piece of art.

TAG process followed by the BIG critique.


1. Start the process by writing the word “TAG” down the left side of a sticky note. Please, write your name on the back of the sticky notes.
2. Music will play as you walk around the room, viewing the landscape photos on the computers.
3. When the music stops, you will sit down at the closest artwork, being sure to not choose your own.
4. Complete the TAG on your post-it note, leave for the artist. 
TAG is short for:
T – Tell the artist something you like.
A – Ask the artist a question.
G – Give the artist a suggestion.
The BIG critique -
We will come back together as a whole. You will share about one work that resonated with you around the room. If your photograph is chosen, you will speak next.

Lighting assignment and artist statements are due Monday! Critique TUESDAY
Bring a few objects to photograph in class this week - we'll set up small studio boxes. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Lighting can make or break the quality and mood of your photograph.  See the presentation below for tips, directions and due dates on your next weekly photo assignment.

40 images - Due Nov. 22 

Final Images/Artist statement - Due Monday Nov. 25

Critique - November 26

Lighting from Kara Smith shared from SLIDESHARE

3 things you learned
2 questions you have
1 thing that WOWED you! 

Landscape critique

Purpose: To critique, analyze and reflect on the landscape assignment and work produced.
Tasks: You're going to walk around and look at the work presented in the walk. When the music stops, you'll answer the following questions with a partner.

1. What techniques can you find in the images in front of you? Was the photographer successful using these techniques? How so?

2. Do you like the work as a triptych or would it be better standing alone? Why? Do you like the layout of the images? Why or why not?

3. How could the photographer improve these shots?

4. Find your favorite triptych, take it to your seat. Photo praise. Why do you like it? 

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Composition technique

Objective: to critique and analyze a work of art. 

Find your photos, put name on back, get into a group of 4!

Explain your photos - 
- why you chose this subject
- composition technique you used
- successful - why or why not? 

TAG Peer Review

Tell the artist something you like. 

Ask the artist a question

Give the artist a suggestion. 

Share with the class. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Landscape photo from Kara Wilson Smith

Upload images on Wednesday, Oct. 23. Final Images and Artist statements due by Friday, Oct. 25
Critique - Monday, Oct. 28

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Composition Technique

Composition guidelines new date from Kara Wilson Smith

40 images due Friday, October 11th.
Final Images and artist statement - Tuesday, Oct. 15
Critique Wednesday, Oct. 16

Rule of Thirds Critique

Get your photos - write your name on back

Today's Purpose: To analyze and critique a work of art, offer suggestions and comments to help the artist with future assignments.

We'll get into 4 small groups
Share your images (what were you trying to show through these photos - technique, something else?)
As a group - decide:
- What images are strongest in your group? Why?
- What images are weaker? What could the artist do differently to improve this shot?

Share out with the class - THANK YOU!

Turn in your photos with your artist statement
*reminder - #mhsfototree19 due tomorrow

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Rule Of Thirds

Your first photographic assignment is based on the number one rule of composition in photography - the Rule of Thirds! Please review this slideshow, take notes in your sketchbook/notebook. Complete the brainstorming assignment - DUE Thursday. 
When finished, you can begin shooting. I will have cameras ready to be checked out on Thursday/Friday. Please make sure your contract is turned in. We will come up with a due date on Friday for the photo assignment. 

I hope you enjoy this first project, and I'm looking forward to seeing your great photos! 

Please email me if you have any questions:

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Bellringer: Make sure your Photographer presentation has been placed in your photo folder.

Presenters: You will present the photographer to the class. Please don't read your power point, but explain what you learned about your artist. The slides are visual guides.

Audience: You will be taking notes on the photographer - write down in your sketchbook/notebook, the photographers name, style of photography, what you like, learned...

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Photography research

Once finished, select one photographer to research further. You will need the following information about your chosen photographer:
  • Full name of individual
  • Date and place of birth & indicate years of life (and if still living)
  • How influenced-by others in field of photography
  • How influenced-by circumstances in life
  • Typical subject matter of photographs made by this artist
  • What this artist is trying/ tried to communication
  • Typical style of work
  • Geographic places this photographer shot
  • Significant contribution(s) to photography (or the art world)
  • What they themselves said/say about their work (quotes OK)
  • What others have said about the work
Include 5 examples of this person’s photography. These visual images need to include the photograph’s title and year made. You will present this slide show to the class.

Friday, September 6, 2019

History of the Camera

Photography Research - Project 1


Folder - titled Last name, First name (Smith, Kara photo) and then share with me!!

Second, you will select 10 Famous Photographers, that you likeand list their name, type of photography, and 2-3 images that showcase their style.

You will create this in Google Drive. Upload all info to your Google drive folder. 

Thursday, May 23, 2019


For your next project you will study and analyze Surrealism, then take your simple photographs to a new and exciting level by using Photoshop to create your own Surreal photograph. See the presentation below for project criteria and due dates!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Magazine covers

Create a magazine cover (9×12 @ 300 res) using your own photographic image. Include the name of the magazine and a list of articles, which would be within the magazine. 

Make it look as authentic as possible.

Don't forget to check grammar and spelling!! 

STEP 1: Brainstorm - I want to see a rough sketch in your sketchbooks with your plans.
- Include magazine title/name
- story or article ideas
- how you plan to photograph yourself, what you'll wear, where you'll be, etc. More details the better.

Deadline - TBD 

Monday, April 22, 2019

Portraits of Time

 from Kara Smith

Sketchbook work due Thursday, April 25, share with a partner. This partner will help you photograph your best time of day. Create a plan/schedule to photograph. 40 images are due on Wednesday, May 1. Final Portrait of Time is due Friday, May 3. 

Critique - Expressive Portraits

  • Get in groups of 4
  • Each student select a photograph. 
  • Answer questions about the photograph in your sketchbook. 
  • Share with your group.
  • Select an image or 2 to share with the class. 
  • Present to the class your images and thoughts

  1. Did the student complete the assignment correctly - photographing an "expressive" portrait? How so? (Expressing the essence of someone's nature, capturing their personality)
  2. What technique from the slideshow was used in the photograph? (Texture, over/underexposure, back light, posing, unfocus, movement, shadows, reflection, capturing the moment, color, props, showing a serious portrait, or close up) How so? 
  3. How was light used in the photograph?
  4. Does reflection, light or shadow add in content to the mood of the image?
  5. Technically, what do you think about the contrast, focus, craftsmanship and composition? 

Now - share your images and answers with your group. 
  1. What image do you think is strongest? Why so? 
  2. What image could be made stronger? How so? 
  3. Select one image that has been taken at an interesting angle. 
  4. Find one that could have been taken at a more interesting angle. How could the photographer have been more creative?

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Expressive Portrait

Below is the Expressive Portraits presentation shared in class. See this for tips and ideas for your own expressive portraits assignment. Your pictures are due on Monday, March 18th and final images, Wednesday, March 20 

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


Lighting can make or break the quality and mood of your photograph.  See the presentation below for tips, directions and due dates on your next weekly photo assignment. 

40 images - due Wednesday, March 6 

Final Image Due Friday, March 8

Lighting from Kara Smith shared from SLIDESHARE

3 things you learned
2 questions you have
1 thing that WOWED you! 

Monday, February 25, 2019

Composition Technique


To critique, analyze and reflect on the assignment and work produced.

Please get out a sheet of loose leaf paper - write name on top.

* write 2 positive comments, 1 suggestion for each student.

Read through and write on back - 
- what did you learn from this assignment?
- what are you still confused about?

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

So, basically....

Make sure you have examples of the following:

1. Cropping
2. Balancing elements
3. Background (avoid clutter)
4. Avoid Mergers (just always do this!)
5. Perspective/viewpoint
6. Landscape vs. portrait (show examples of both, shoot something in landscape then flip the camera and shoot it vertically)
7. Framing within frames
8. Leading lines
9. Diagonals
10. Repetition and pattern
11. Symmetry

Upload to google drive and label each picture!

Save your top two in a Final Composition folder. 

Writing an artist reflection

I'd like you to reflect on the final images you've chosen for your composition technique assignment.

The process of reflection is an important aspect in the production of an artist’s portfolio. Successful reflection enables self-awareness and personal growth. The artist statement should reveal the beliefs, emotions and feelings of the artist. Please answer the following questions in the shared google doc. 

  1. Describe the photograph.
  2. What was the composition technique/s used in this artwork?
  3. Describe what you did to create this shot. Did you plan ahead? Did you adjust things to get the right angle, etc?
  4. What are some of the concepts that you learned while photographing this assignment?
  5. Why did you select these photographs specifically? What do you like about them?
  6. What would you change if you were to shoot this again? Why?
  7. Did anything about this assignment surprise you?
  8. Overall, how do you feel about the process and outcome? 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Composition techniques

Composition guidelines new date from Kara Wilson Smith

40 images due Tuesday, Feb 19
Final images due Wednesday
Critique Friday

Monday, February 11, 2019

5 Best Pics

Small group/Large Group critique

1. Find your images.
2. Get in groups of 4

Share within your group:
Why did you select these photos?

What makes them the strongest?

What techniques have you learned that you used in these photos?

Come back together as a large group. We're going to share the 4 best images from the group with the class. Answer these questions. 

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Create a folder for class

Google Drive -

Create a folder - name it last name, first name
Ex. Smith, Kara
- share with me

Check to make sure I've shared a folder with you...

Upload your 5 BEST pics you've taken this year!

Welcome to Photo 1