Monday, April 22, 2019

Portraits of Time

 from Kara Smith

Sketchbook work due Thursday, April 25, share with a partner. This partner will help you photograph your best time of day. Create a plan/schedule to photograph. 40 images are due on Wednesday, May 1. Final Portrait of Time is due Friday, May 3. 

Critique - Expressive Portraits

  • Get in groups of 4
  • Each student select a photograph. 
  • Answer questions about the photograph in your sketchbook. 
  • Share with your group.
  • Select an image or 2 to share with the class. 
  • Present to the class your images and thoughts

  1. Did the student complete the assignment correctly - photographing an "expressive" portrait? How so? (Expressing the essence of someone's nature, capturing their personality)
  2. What technique from the slideshow was used in the photograph? (Texture, over/underexposure, back light, posing, unfocus, movement, shadows, reflection, capturing the moment, color, props, showing a serious portrait, or close up) How so? 
  3. How was light used in the photograph?
  4. Does reflection, light or shadow add in content to the mood of the image?
  5. Technically, what do you think about the contrast, focus, craftsmanship and composition? 

Now - share your images and answers with your group. 
  1. What image do you think is strongest? Why so? 
  2. What image could be made stronger? How so? 
  3. Select one image that has been taken at an interesting angle. 
  4. Find one that could have been taken at a more interesting angle. How could the photographer have been more creative?