Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Portraits of Time - slideshow

Portraits of Time

To practice the skills you have learned, you will take a series of self-portraits and still life images that capture a moment in time.  To help you understand the concept of capturing a moment, you will analyze the work of Elliott Erwitt.  His work will inspire you and to help you create thought-provoking and creative original artworks.

1.    Listen to the poem The Best Time of The Day by Raymond Carver.
2.    Review the work of Elliott Erwitt as a class and discuss what moments in time each photograph is trying to portray.
3.    Brainstorm a MINIMUM of 5 ideas in your sketchbook for your own best time of day or time of life. Answer the following: What would it be?  What would you look like?  Where would you be?  What would you be doing?  How would you be feeling?  Who would you be with?
4.    Photograph yourself in one of your best times of day – choose one idea from your sketchbook brainstorming.  You must take a minimum of 40 pictures that reflects this moment.  Your photos should focus on your hands, your feet, your face, your full body and still life images that reflect this specific moment.  All images should be from the same moment.  You will submit these 40 pictures as a contact sheet.
5.    Choose and edit (if necessary) your best images that express this best time of day.
6.    Create final piece using Photoshop to compile 3-5 images together and present them in a manner that emphasizes your Portrait of Time.  

Due Dates & Evaluation: You will receive 3 grades on this project. See rubrics.

Peer/teacher consultations: December 10
40 images: Due Dec. 15
Final Images: Edited and due Dec. 17 
Critique: Dec. 18

The Best Time Of The Day

Cool summer nights.
Windows open.
Lamps burning.
Fruit in the bowl.
And your head on my shoulder.
These the happiest moments in the day.

Next to the early morning hours,
of course. And the time
just before lunch.
And the afternoon, and
early evening hours.
But I do love

these summer nights.
Even more, I think,
than those other times.
The work finished for the day.
And no one who can reach us now.
Or ever.

- See more at: http://allpoetry.com/The-Best-Time-Of-The-Day#sthash.zU6AYUqB.dpuf

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Expressive Portraits

Below is the Expressive Portraits presentation shared in class. See this for tips and ideas for your own expressive portraits assignment. Your pictures are due on Wednesday,  December 2nd and final 2, Thursday, Dec. 3rd for critique on Dec. 4 

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Lighting can make or break the quality and mood of your photograph.  See the presentation below for tips, directions and due dates on your next weekly photo assignment. 

Good luck!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Social Issue

Social msg 2015 from Kara Wilson Smith

Visit http://www.expressionschallenge.com for contest details. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

So, basically...

Make sure you have examples of the following:

1. Cropping
2. Balancing elements
3. Background (avoid clutter)
4. Avoid Mergers (just always do this!)
5. Perspective/viewpoint
6. Landscape vs. portrait (show examples of both, shoot something in landscape then flip the camera and shoot it vertically)
7. Framing within frames
8. Leading lines
9. Diagonals
10. Repetition and pattern
11. Symmetry

When finished shooting, upload to google drive and label each pic.

Save your top two in a Final Composition folder (twice). 

Composition Techniques

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Rule of Thirds

Your first photographic assignment is based on the number one rule of composition in photography - the Rule of Thirds! Below is the presentation shared in class. Please review this for details, criteria and due dates for your Rule of Thirds sketchbook, brainstorming and photographic assignments. I hope you enjoy this first project, and I'm looking forward to seeing your great photos!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

History of Photography

Photographer Research Collages

First, select 10 Famous Photographers, that you like, and list their name, type of photography, and 2-3 images that showcase their style.

Upload all info to your Google drive account and I will print (unless we get the printers working) Then, you will cut and collage this information in your sketchbooks. You can add notes to each photographer (they may influence your work later this year).

Any, questions? 

Once finished, select one photographer to research further. You will need the following information about your chosen photographer:
  • Full name of individual
  • Date and place of birth & indicate years of life (and if still living)
  • How influenced-by others in field of photography
  • How influenced-by circumstances in life
  • Typical subject matter of photographs made by this artist
  • What this artist is trying/ tried to communication
  • Typical style of work
  • Geographic places this photographer shot
  • Significant contribution(s) to photography (or the art world)
  • What they themselves said/say about their work (quotes OK)
  • What others have said about the work
Include 5 examples of this person’s photography, either photocopied (from a print source) or computer generated images (from an electronic source). These visual images need to include the photograph’s title, year made, must be at least 5x7 inches and of good visual quality (i.e., readable-not overly pixelated) to be glued into your sketchbook.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Welcome to Digital Photography 2015-16!

2015-2016 Supply List

Welcome to Photography! Please have the following supplies ready for the first week of school, and in every class...

  1. Pencils and Pens 
  2. Erasers 
  3. Sketchbook (will be provided) 
  4. Folder/binder 
  5. Flash Drive - minimum 1GB 


Digital Camera with at least 1GB Memory Card & compatible USB Cord See you September 8th!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

One Subject - 40 Photos

Below is the One Subject presentation shared in class. Use the same subject and photograph it at least 40 times using different backgrounds, lighting and compositions. Look back to the previous weekly theme presentations for ideas and refreshers.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Remake Art History

Get ready to dress up, grab some props and have fun with some masterpieces!

See the presentation below to find out your next assignment. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Social Messages

See the presentation below for details, criteria and dues dates for your Social Messages project. 

Make a statement!

Sketchbooks Due: Wednesday, Feb. 3

40 Images: Uploaded by Monday, Feb. 9

Final: Edited by Thursday, Feb. 12

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Website Rubric

You will be graded on the following:


  1. About section - artist intent
  2. Portfolio of work - taken from individual assignments (your best 1-2 from each)
  3. Description of work. (1-2 sentences describing assignment, intention of photograph, etc)
    1. Work should be edited and complete. 
  4. Instagram series (at least 10 images)


  1. Summarize your intent
  2. Describe your website style 
  3. Navigate through your portfolio of work and Instagram
  4. Reflect on what you've learned this semester and what you hope to gain next semester. 
Your site needs to be shared with me. There's a document in the Google Drive, where you need to include the your name, email, website, etc. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Point of View

Below is the point-of-view presentation shared in class.  Be sure every picture you take for this assignment is from an unusual or unexpected viewpoint.  40 images are due Tuesday, Jan. 20 and final 2 are due Wednesday, Jan. 21.