Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Final Reflective Portfolio gallery walk

WHAT? Reflect on the year by showcasing your portfolio to the class.

1. Log on to the computer and pull up your Weebly Portfolio 
2. Get out a sheet of loose leaf paper - briefly write about: 
  • The career in photo you chose, why you chose it, and how you did photographing in that style 
  • A reflection of the work you've created this year. After 15 different photo assignments, photoshop demos and 30+ Instagram assignments: How have you improved over the year? What will you take away? 
3. The paper will be placed in front of your computer. Students will walk around and check out 5-10 different portfolios and write comments about their work on the paper. We'll look for a few minutes at a computer and then switch. 

* Comments - On specific photo assignments or the website as a whole.
what do you like? why? suggestions? 

Monday, June 4, 2018

The Long Stretch

Good morning -

Make sure your:

5 final career photos are on your blog.
Blog is up to date with all final photos and Instagrams from 2nd semester.

Turn in your camera!
(Name inside please)

SENIORS - check your grades and see if there's anything you're missing...

Tomorrow - present your careers in photo/blog to class - reflect on the semester.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Rest of year plans

Tuesday, May 29 - Review individual chalk designs (20 points)
*Permission slips due

Wednesday, May 30 - Partner up and complete a final design

Thursday, May 31 - Partner up and complete a final design (40 points)
* Pizza money is due $2 

Friday, June 1 - CHALK FEST

Monday, June 4 - Finish Websites - Add careers in photo to website
*Cameras Due - 100 points!

Tuesday, June 5 - Gallery walk - weebly accounts including final assignments

Wednesday, June 6 -  Make sure everything is complete - turned in, etc. 

Monday, May 14, 2018

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Forced Perspective Big Critique

What: Critique, analyze the Forced Perspective assignment. 
Why: To offer feedback, praise and suggestions. 
Person 1: Select an image that resonates with you. What do you like about the image? Is it effective? Any suggestions to make the image stronger, technically of for the assignment? 
That photographer: Discuss that image further - select another and start again. 

Monday, April 30, 2018


Today's purpose (what?) We will continue looking at AP students' portfolios.
If time allows: present and share forced perspective photos by groups and critique.

Why? To offer feedback and suggestions as needed. Share experiences of photographing in that style.

How? LOG ON TO THE DRIVE -> shared folder -> AP photo -> student name, breadth and then concentration. 

3rd Period: 
Fernando, Emmanuel, Hamiya and Umar
4th period: 
Miguel, Wendy, Ali, Ahmed, Soha, Connie AP Students - present your concentration statement and portfolio with the class. If you have more images than needed - ask for feedback to narrow down images.

Class - on a sheet of loose leaf paper offer feedback per AP student.
- What images were strongest? Why?
- What elements of art and principles of design did you find in their work?
             - Lineshapeform, value, color, space, and texture
             - Balance, emphasis, movement, proportion, rhythm, unity, and variety
- What photography techniques do you see in their photos?
- Do you feel their concentrations are strong? Why? What could they do to improve? Offer specific suggestions if you can.
Please indicate which 5 images are the strongest!! 

Forced Perspective Critiques: 
Find your photos. In groups, come to front to share your images with class.
How did you photograph the images?
Were you successful?
What image is the strongest? Why?
What would you do differently?

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Magazine Covers

Create a magazine cover (9×12 @ 300 res) using your own photographic image. Include the name of the magazine and a list of articles, which would be within the magazine. 

Make it look as authentic as possible.

Don't forget to check grammar and spelling!! 

STEP 1: Brainstorm - I want to see a rough sketch in your sketchbooks with your plans.
- Include magazine title/name
- story or article ideas
- how you plan to photograph yourself, what you'll wear, where you'll be, etc. More details the better.

Deadline - TBD 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Surrealism critique

Today's purpose: To analyze and critique a work of art, offer suggestions and comments to help the artist with future assignments.

Why? So, we can gain insights into meaning of these artworks by engaging in the process of art criticism. 


Get in groups of 5/6
Get out your sketchbook 
Pass the images around and select 2 images that resonate with you. 

Answer the following questions on a sheet of paper - for each artwork.
1. Why did you select this image?
2. Do you think this image is a good example of surrealism? How so? Why not?
3. How did the artist photograph the image?
4. Was the student successful using photoshop? How so? Why not?
5. What are some suggestions or praise you have for the artist?

Share the work you selected. Make two piles, images that were successful and those less successful. Why are these the strongest? Photography? Editing? What can the photographer do to make the weaker images stronger?

Share out loud, defend or agree.

Monday, March 5, 2018


For your next project you will study and analyze Surrealism, then take your simple photographs to a new and exciting level by using Photoshop to create your own Surreal photograph. See the presentation below for project criteria and due dates!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Critique - 1 subject/40 images

  • Get in groups of 4
  • Each group select one image from each student in your group 
  • Look at the questions/Think about them
  • Write out your thoughts and prepare yourselves to present your thoughts to the class
  • Present to the class your images and thoughts
  1. How was light used in the photograph? 
  2. Does reflection, light or shadow add in content to the mood of the image? 
  3. Technically, what do you think about the contrast, focus, craftsmanship and composition? 
  4.  Find an image that has been taken at an interesting angle
  5. Find one that could have been taken at a more interesting angle. How could the photographer have been more creative?
  6. What's the strongest photograph? Why? What would make the other photos stronger? 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Remake art history

Get ready to dress up, grab some props and have fun with some masterpieces!

See the presentation below to find out your next assignment. 

Remakearthistory from Kara Wilson Smith

Sketchbook -
40 images -
Final Images - 

Monday, February 5, 2018

One Subject - 40 Photos

Below is the One Subject presentation shared in class. Use the same subject and photograph it at least 40 times using different backgrounds, lighting and compositions. Look back to the previous weekly theme presentations for ideas and refreshers.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Semester 1 - Portfolio Website

Assessment Rubric Criteria: 
Criteria 1 – Student created a website that is easily to navigate (homepage lists all pertinent information and represents artist’s style) 
Criteria 2 – Student posted at least one image from each assignment to represent their understanding of the assignment. Each photo has a clear caption. 
Criteria 3 – Student included an artist biography discussing the intentions of their work. 
Criteria 4 – Instagram photos are displayed 
Criteria 5Presentation of website – (5 mins) student successfully navigated through their website going over their work, style and a reflection of first semester.  

Check List: 
- About section
- Photography Projects: 
  1. Rule of Thirds
  2. Composition Techniques
  3. Lighting 
  4. Landscape
  5. Social Message
  6. Expressive Portraits
  7. Best Time of Day
  8. Abstract and Details 

- Instagram assignments
#spiritweek - pjday, twinday, sportsday, disneyday, colorday

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Abstract and Detail

Below is the presentation shared in class for your Abstract & Detail project.  See this presentation for examples, criteria and due dates.  
Get close!!!

Abstract and details from Kara Smith

Sketchbooks due Friday, 1/19
40 images due Friday
Final 5 uploaded to website