Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Abstract and Detail

Below is the presentation shared in class for your Abstract & Detail project.  See this presentation for examples, criteria and due dates.  

Get close!!!

Abstract and details from Kara Smith

Brainstorming - due 2/20
40 images due Friday 2/26
Final 5 shared in classroom 

Monday, February 17, 2020

Critique - Best time of Day

Critique - Best time of Day

  • Get in groups of 4
  • Each student select a photograph. 
  • Answer questions about the photograph in your sketchbook/or loose leaf paper. 
  • Share with your group.
  • Select an image or 2 to share with the class. 
  • Present to the class your images and thoughts

  1. Did the student complete the assignment correctly - photographing a single moment in time, combining 3-5 images that show this moment? 
  2. What photographic techniques were used in this assignment? How so? 
  3. How was light used in the photograph?
  4. Did the student tell a story through their series of images? How so?
  5. Technically, what do you think about the contrast, focus, craftsmanship and composition? 

Now - share your images and answers with your group. 
  1. What collage do you think is strongest? Why so? 
  2. What collage could be made stronger? How so? 
  3. Select the one that tells the strongest story? 
  4. Choose one that is confusing to you? What could the photographer do differently?