Monday, October 23, 2017


Landscape photo from Kara Wilson Smith

Upload images on Friday, Oct. 27. Select final images in class on Monday, Oct. 30 - transfer to finals folder. Critique Tuesday. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Writing an artist reflection

I'd like you to reflect on the final images you've chosen for your composition technique assignment.

The process of reflection is an important aspect in the production of an artist’s portfolio. Successful reflection enables self-awareness and personal growth. The artist statement should reveal the beliefs, emotions and feelings of the artist. Please answer the following questions in the shared google doc. 

  1. Describe the photograph.
  2. What was the composition technique/s used in this artwork?
  3. Describe what you did to create this shot. Did you plan ahead? Did you adjust things to get the right angle, etc?
  4. What are some of the concepts that you learned while photographing this assignment?
  5. Why did you select these photographs specifically? What do you like about them?
  6. What would you change if you were to shoot this again? Why?
  7. Did anything about this assignment surprise you?
  8. Overall, how do you feel about the process and outcome? 

    Then, you will look at a selected students photographs and check their comp technique assignment. Did they label their images correctly? Are each techniques photographed? You will use a checklist and rubric. 

Monday, October 16, 2017

So, basically....

Make sure you have examples of the following:

1. Cropping
2. Balancing elements
3. Background (avoid clutter)
4. Avoid Mergers (just always do this!)
5. Perspective/viewpoint
6. Landscape vs. portrait (show examples of both, shoot something in landscape then flip the camera and shoot it vertically)
7. Framing within frames
8. Leading lines
9. Diagonals
10. Repetition and pattern
11. Symmetry

Upload to google drive and label each picture!

Save your top two in a Final Composition folder.